10. Your Microbiome: What is it and how can you support it with Cheryl Paswater

Cheryl will be discussing your microbiome in today's solo episode. Even though it is a buzzword for some of you, maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't, it is important and an integral part of us all. She wanted to share with you what the microbiome is, the microbes living in it, and why they are important. Cheryl likes to talk about fermented foods (one of her favorite topics) as one way to take care of one's microbiome. 

“We are more microbes than human”

Microbes are everywhere. In addition to living in our mouths, our anus, our private bodies, and other parts of our bodies, they also live on our skin. In fact, they are our bodies' natural protectors, and we kill them too often. 

Our health is being threatened by hand sanitizers that remove good microbes. We need to take steps to ensure they are well-balanced on and in our bodies. We need to work on increasing our microbiomes. We can do things like play in the dirt outside. We can eat fermented foods. We can be cautious about what we put in and on our bodies. 

Since microbes regulate the gut, the gut is our first brain and the brain is actually our second brain. Consequently, what happens in the gut also happens in the brain and everywhere else in the body. Taking care of the gut means keeping those microbes intact and ensuring that our microbes are well-protected. You make neurotransmitters in your gut, so it's important to feed it fermented foods to replenish it. You might even feel the happy neurological effect when you eat ferments. So it's a win-win. 

Are you ready to peel the onion and get your hands dirty? Let’s dig into the microbiome.


11. Here's the Skin! Your Biggest Organ Episode with Lauren Zajac MHS, PA-C


9. Digestion Essentials, BONUS 10 Tips for Better Gut Health