9. Digestion Essentials, BONUS 10 Tips for Better Gut Health

Here are our top 10 digestion tips and tricks. A few are reminders, while others may be new to you. You have to love your guts, as you only get one set of them and they are your second brain. 

Eating Hygiene: You should chew your food until it is the consistency of applesauce. Take your time while eating. Chew your food at least forty times. Start small and progress. 

Eat real food: Whole real foods. Avoid frankenfoods, including beyond meats. Choose organic foods whenever possible. As well as adding fiber to our diets, real foods help our bodies digest food. 

Water is made up of four phases. Typically, we think of hydration as drinking water, but we can also get hydrated from the foods we eat. One of our favorite hydrating foods are apples.  Foods and water are a great way to hydrate. If you want to learn more, check out our interview with Dr. Dana Cohan HERE

Happy Movement| Exercise: Get your body moving. You can really improve your digestion and body by stretching, walking, and just getting up and moving around. Ensure you are limber and feeling good in your body. 

Consider a Fiber Drink: Fiber Drinks are a great way to keep things moving. A good quality product can be purchased at your local market or you can use what you already have in your pantry. . Having enough fiber can bulk up your poop and help sweep out your system of excess hormones. 

Good prebiotics and probiotics: Fermented foods are a great way to add these healthy bugs to your gut. As a result, you're actually getting prebiotics. Also they are providing you with digesting enzymes and making things more absorbable when you eat them.

Sleep Hygiene: Poor sleep hygiene can also affect digestion. Getting quality sleep each night and allowing your body to rest and recover is important. Sleep plays an important role in our digestion.

Manage Stress: In a fight or flight situation all day, your body will only digest during sleep, and if your sleep is interrupted, it won't get a chance to complete the digestion process. Stress can lead to many disorders or diseases. It is important to find ways to release the pressure of stress to keep your body processing food optimally.  Setting boundaries

Vitamin J (JOY): What brings your JOY? Do the things that are just for you. Take those small moments just for you. Digest and share your day.

Laughter: Take time to laugh and disconnect. Get outside and play. 

Get more information about the Peeling the Onion Podcast and your Hosts Cheryl and Nancy at https://www.peelingtheonionpodcast.com/



10. Your Microbiome: What is it and how can you support it with Cheryl Paswater


8. Digestion Essentials : Love Your Gut, Part 2